Open 7 Days, 9-6

1 West Main, Cambridge New York
Your community-owned grocery store
Policy Revisions - Summer 2024
Over the course of several months, the Governance Committee, in partnership with the entire Co-op board, developed revisions to the Co-op member policies document, which was last updated in December of 2019.
The membership will be asked to approve these policies this summer.
We encourage your input during or before the special public meeting on Monday, June 17 at 5:00 pm via Zoom.
See below for Zoom link to the meeting. Also view the proposed changes below. The current policies can be viewed from the blue button below.
Proposed Changes to Policies in Brief
Many of the changes were for clarity. This is a summary of the substantive changes as proposed by the Board:
1a: We explicitly encourage case ordering with a 10% member and 5% non-member discount.
1b: We increase the standard shift time from 3.75 to 4 hours for tracking simplicity.
1c: We introduce the concept of one-off shifts as defined by the General Manager, so that discrete tasks can be rewarded with a 10% (4 hours) or 5% (2 hours) coupon.
1e: We re-introduce Lifetime Sustaining Memberships for $1,000 for those who are willing and able to support the co-op at this level.
3: We explicitly encourage wholesale relationships.
6: All new members should receive the bylaws and policies, not just working members.
7: We improve and clarify the handling of special orders.
o 2: We encourage members of other co-ops to shop at our co-op via a discount.
Board of Directors (not ‘Advisors’)
1: Minutes should be regularly posted in the store.
2: Amendments to member policies should be approved by the membership.
Member Participation in Board Meetings (clarifying the title)
1: Referencing the by-laws for board meeting conduct.
Member Privacy Policy
We propose to separate the Privacy Policy into a separate document.
4: The Co-op must do its due diligence in protecting personal information while interacting with third parties.
5: Incorporating New York’s legal language.
6: Clarifying the protection of member information beyond membership termination.
Thank you for reviewing these policies. Feel free to email the board with any comments or suggestions. We appreciate your input!
Zoom Meeting Information
Cambridge Food Co-op is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Cambridge Food Co-op's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 17, 2024 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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