Open 7 Days, 9-6
1 West Main, Cambridge New York
Your community-owned grocery store
Curbside Pick-up at the Co-op
Who Can Use Curbside Pick-up?
Anyone who wishes to take advantage of this service may due so; you are not required to be a Co-op member to utilize the Curbside Pick-up Service.
When Can I Place a Curbside Order?
The Co-op currently offers this service to customers seven days a week. Curbside orders are accepted until 9 a.m. on your chosen pick-up day.
How Do I Order?
Click on the button below to start your order process, or anyone who wishes may call in an order the day before and leave a detailed message instead of submitting the order electronically.
Please note, the Co-op's inventory is not available online, and so we rely on you to provide us not only with a list of the items you would like but also acceptable substitutes. If we have time, we may call you for clarification but this is not always possible. More detail is always better! Please help us help you.
How Do I Know My Order is Ready?
Once your order is assembled on the morning of pick-up, you will be emailed an invoice which you may pay online. Once paid, your order is available for pick-up during Co-op open hours.
How Do I Pay?
You may pay online through the invoice we email you, or payment by check is permitted if you do not wish to pay online.
Curbside Pick-up: A New Program That's Here to Stay!
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cambridge Food Co-op began offering customers the option of submitting an order and picking it up the next day.
Now, vaccinations are up and Covid cases are down, and there may not be the same need for our Curbside Pick-up Service as before.
​Nevertheless, we see value in continuing a version of this program into the future. If you are not feeling well, have mobility issues, or for whatever reason wish to avoid coming into the store to shop, let us do it for you!