New to shampoo bars? We've got the "dirt" (or maybe we should say "the clean") on a new way to manage your 'do and help reduce plastic waste.

Customers at the Co-op have long been looking for ways the store can reduce or eliminate plastic waste. Staff takes these requests and ideas from members and customers and researches the best products we can find to bring into the store.
Did you know? More than 552 million shampoo bottles could be ending up in landfills (or the ocean) every year.
Shampoo Bars from The Unscented Company
The Cambridge Co-op has made some important strides in reducing plastic in the store. In the past eighteen months, we have added bulk cleaning supplies to the shelves. More recently, the store set up bulk shampoo from which you can refill your own bottle (or purchase your shampoo in a bulk container!).
The latest push to reduce plastics continues in the health and beauty section with the addition of shampoo and conditioner bars, not bottles. Both the shampoo and conditioner bars come from The Unscented Company (TUC)—a company from which you can feel comfortable buying their products.
The Unscented Company, based in Canada, is certified in two important categories. First, they are certified cruelty-free, meaning they do not test their products on animals (our whiskered friends can breathe a sigh of relief!). Second, they are a Certified B Corporation, meaning they are part of “a growing community of more than 2,000 companies working together toward one unifying goal: to redefine success in business. [They] aspire to meet the highest standards of verified performance, transparency, and accountability, taking into account workers, our local community and the environment” (quote from
Besides their certifications, The Unscented Company sources 95-99% of their ingredients from privately-run and family-owned Canadian businesses. And, with their bulk options for refilling containers, they are reducing some of the plastic used throughout the world.
“Well, that’s great,” you, our rightfully critical Co-op shopper, might say. “But how well does the shampoo and conditioner work?” Katie Kerr, acting manager and buyer for the store, is pumped on the product. “I love the new shampoo and conditioner bars. They may be little but they last just as long as a bottle of shampoo. My hair feels clean and fresh and doesn’t get greasy as fast as it did while using conventional shampoo. One more piece of plastic is now out of my life. Super excited to have this product on our shelves!”
